Monday, October 28, 2013

Just added for November: new Italian solo shows plus a collaboration with Teho Teardo and Martina Bertoni and a theatre piece in Rome, "Finchè Morte Non Ci Separi," at Teatro Valle Occupato, with text by Francesco Olivieri and featuring Monica Scattini. It's part of a special nationwide theatrical event for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and Francesco's piece powerfully explores the issue through the voices of two murdered women.

Also, I'm excited to be playing London on November 26 at the Vortex Jazz Club with Sukie Smith's wonderful band, Madam! It's sponsored by The Other Woman--the UK's only all female new music playlist, which broadcasts on Amazing Radio and is presented by Ruth Barnes, who searches out the best new music from female artists and female fronted bands.